Suezzle's Storybook

I figured since I liked to talk so much I should probably do it somewhere that was made for it. Read if you are inclined, leave a comment if you want.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good Morning.

Wow!! I must be channeling June Cleaver or something. Here it is the crack of dawn and I have the garbage out, a load of clothes on the way to being washed and a loaf of bread on the go...I must not be feeling well or something. (haha)
Before you go and nominate me for any awards tho, I do feel it is my duty to tell you I am making bread in the bread maker. I CAN make real bread, but I am allergic to flour on my skin, and by the time I am done my hands look like hand-burger. (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha.....oh that was bad. ...I should delete that. Oh hell, I'm keeping it, I like it.)
If anyone does make bread in their bread maker, this is a really easy and simple recipe for plain white bread that is very good. I will jot it here for you~~

White Bread~~
(all ingredients go in the bread maker canister in the order you read them)

1 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp. margarine
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tsp.salt
3 1/2 cups flour
3 tsp. breadmaker yeast

Place the canister in the bread maker and set it on the dough setting if you want to cook it in the oven like I do, or set your bread maker to 1 1/2 lbs, the plain white bread setting and the setting for whichever darkness you like and then push the on button.
There, done.
Oh yeah~~ If you do want your bread cooked in the oven if you used the dough cycle, then knead the dough for a minute or so to shape it into a loaf, put it in a greased bread pan, let it raise 15 minutes covered with a tea towel or something, and then cook it in a pre-heated 375* oven for 35 minutes. That will give the bread a decent color, but if you like it a bit paler then cut the time down by a few minutes.
Wow. I feel like I should go re-arrange a bouquet of flowers that I just brought in from our extensive, immaculately kept garden. Maybe I will get my gloves and high heels on and go shopping; oh yeah, can't forget the string of pearls either...oh crap~~ thats what I did yesterday, so that's out.
One of the things I will watch on TV is the Andy Griffith show. It comes on after supper, and I just love it. Before it comes on tho, there are some extremely annoying time fillers that I seriously could do without, and this June Cleaver thing reminded me of that. Can anyone remember back to highschool when we used to have to sit through those gawd-allmighty inane little films they used to have in health class? You remember, they were the ones on personal hygeine or your posture or even better~~ 'Why isn't Jane going to the party?', and you'd watch the whole thing only to find out she smacks when she eats or something, and no one would sit by her. Well, the films they put on before tha Andy Griffith show were like those, only from the '50's, so they were even worse than what we watched.
In a way they were funny, but I really couldn't believe that anyone would let a school subject their children to that. I mean really~~ Mother has to 'dress' for dinner? Give the poor bugger a break!! Let her sit in the livingroom in her jammies with a tv tray and watch the Andy Griffith show while she eats. Oh yeah, and since Dad's sorry ass has been behind a desk all day, let him wash the dishes.
I would, seriously, just love to see one of those videos with a wacky ending where Mom gets up from the table, leaves the room for a second, and comes back dressed like a biker-babe with a huge big tattoo on her arm and the leathers to match, and then tell Dad not to wait up for and leave the house.......pearls in place of course.
All this because I made a loaf of bread :)

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